Telugu Actress


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Desi Girlz.


  1. Hello, just wondering if you can help us out.

    We had downloaded images of a South Indian (probably) actress the name of which we forgot (too bad for us) due to a hard drive crash. Since then we have tried almost every possible keyword to hunt those images on Google but yet unable to find them.

    There was this photoshoot of an Indian actress wearing an orange saree and just a deep purple lace bra (without a blouse). It was an indoor shoot as she was sitting with what was like a rangoli or diwali sort of setting. It wasn't Shweta Sharma as she also has a photoset in orange saree without a blouse but she is wearing a purple bra with some orange accents and standing in those pics. The one we are looking for is obviously different.

    We just hope if you can help us find those. Best regards,

  2. Hello Mujse Is Website Ke Owner Se Bath Karna Hei My Contact Number 8825344878
